Tourist Package no 5

The Temple of Olympian Zeus also known as the Olympieion or Columns of the Olympian Zeus, is a former colossal temple at the center of the Greek capital Athens. It was dedicated to "Olympian" Zeus, a name originating from his position as head of the Olympian gods. Construction began in the 6th century BC during the rule of the Athenian tyrants, who envisaged building the greatest temple in the ancient world, but it was not completed until the reign of the Roman Emperor Hadrian in the 2nd century AD, some 638 years after the project had begun. During the Roman period the temple, which included 104 colossal columns, was renowned as the largest temple in Greece and housed one of the largest cult statues in the ancient world. The Panathenaic Stadium or Kallimarmaro is a multi-purpose stadium in Athens, Greece. One of the main historic attractions of Athens, it is the only stadium in the world built entirely of marble.

The National Garden was named Royal Garden. It is a public park of 15.5 hectares in the center of the Greek capital, Athens. It is located between the districts of Kolonaki and Pangrati, directly behind the Greek Parliament building (The Old Palace) and continues to the South to the area where the Zappeion is located, across from the Panathenaiko or Kalimarmaro Olympic Stadium of the 1986 Olympic Games.

The Zappeion Megaron of Athens: Designed by the famous Danish architect Theophil Freiherr von Hansen in 1878, the Zappeion Megaron is named after Evangelos Zappas, a businessman from Epirus who played a major role in starting the Zappian Olympic Games, which laid the path for the modern Olympic Games.

Day tour, starts from 9:00am till 13:00pm.4 hoursAll inclusive: The above offer also covers lunch in a Greek taverna in the above area. Transportation from your staying to Athens and back, is also included, along with a guide. Ask us for an offer!